Here Comes The #Bride

Brides are turning to social media as a critical piece to their wedding, from sharing a selfie after getting engaged to uploading pictures of their honeymoon to Instagram. Social media has become a vital part of the wedding for both the couple getting married and their family and friends. For the couple getting married, they use social media as a way to update family and friends about the planning process and sharing little moments of bliss along the way. According to a recent study, within just hours of saying “yes” 28% of brides update their relationship status on social media.

But it’s not all about sharing updates through the planning process. Many to-be-brides use social media sites, such as Pinterest, to gain inspiration for that special day. These tools — many of which are free — help the brides discover the hottest wedding trends and plan their perfect day.

Social media now has a place at every point in the wedding cycle, from the moment you put on your ring until your selfies on the beach for the honeymoon. Many couples even use Facebook to check-in to their honeymoon destination. Using all of this Facebook data, the company was able to pull together a list of the most popular honeymoon destinations. (If you’re as curious as we were, Hawaii, St. Lucia and Mexico take up much of the top ten list.)

With couples checking-in to their honeymoon resort, gaining inspiration on Pinterest, sharing photos across the Facebook and Instagram and even using a hashtag to brand their wedding, one question arises: Has our social media usage gone too far?

Our obsession with social media (we’re totally guilty, too!) has created a new dimension to engagements, weddings and honeymoons. A recent post on explains the optimal method to take an engagement ring selfie that will drive tons of likes from your friends. Is that what it’s about? Or are we just so excited that we want to share the amazing news with our social network? Where are the boundaries?

A similar post provides a bit of insight into the social media etiquette and faux pas of moments that shouldn’t be shared on social media. There are still a few moments of bliss that are better left off of social media. Obviously, the amount you want to share is up to you – and we love when our brides do shares photos and updates! We love when our brides share on social media for a few reasons:

  • It inspires other brides with ideas such as how to take the perfect selfie and where to go on their honeymoon.
  • It creates an online memory bank for you and your family and friends.
  • Sharing your happiest moments is what social media is meant for!

However you choose to share your special day and honeymoon, remember to cherish those beautiful moments in real life, too!

Drop us a line and let us know your favorite social media tip for weddings and honeymoons.